This chapter describes Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICM6) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
ICM6.001 |
Short Syntax: ICM6.001 Bad checksum 0x received_checksum (expected 0x good_checksum) source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.001 Bad ICMP6 checksum 0x received_checksum received (expected 0x good_checksum) in packet from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: A bad ICMP6 checksum was detected in an incoming ICMP6 message. The received checksum is displayed, together with the value that the checkum should have had. The received packet is discarded.
Cause: This is probably caused by an error in the source host.
Action: Contact the manufacturer of the source host and report the problem.
ICM6.002 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ICM6.002 Echo request received source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.002 Echo request packet received from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: An ICMP6 Echo Request was received from the source host by the router.
ICM6.003 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ICM6.003 Echo reply received source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.003 Echo reply packet received from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: An ICMP6 Echo Reply was received from the source host by the router.
ICM6.004 |
Short Syntax: ICM6.004 Msg type not handled ICMP6_type ICMP6_code source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.004 Message type not handled ICMP6_type ICMP6_code from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: An ICMP6 message came in with a type that the router software does not handle.
ICM6.005 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: ICM6.005 Multicast type not handled ICMP6_type ICMP6_code source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.005 Multicast message type not handled ICMP6_type ICMP6_code from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: A multicast ICMP6 message came in with a type that the router software does not handle.
ICM6.006 |
Short Syntax: ICM6.006 Bad type ICMP6_type ICMP6_code source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.006 Bad message type ICMP6_type ICMP6_code from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: An ICMP6 message came in with a type that is not legal.
ICM6.007 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ICM6.007 Received msg type ICMP6_type ICMP6_code source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.007 Received message type ICMP6_type ICMP6_code from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: The router has received an ICMP6 message of the specified type from the source host.
ICM6.008 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ICM6.008 Dropping echo source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.008 Dropping echo request packet received from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: An ICMP6 Echo Request was received from the source host by the router. The router has been configured to drop the request with no response.
ICM6.009 |
Short Syntax: ICM6.009 No mem available
Long Syntax: ICM6.009 Heap memory or packet buffer not available
Description: Internal resources in the router necessary to reply to the incoming message were unavailable.
Cause: Temporarily heavy traffic, or not enough memory for configuration.
Action: If this message occurs persistently and with other messages that indicate the router is out of memory or buffers, the router may not have enough memory to support this configuration. Display the memory statistics in the gateway console to check the status of heap memory and global buffers. Add more memory, or disable unnecessary forwarders, protocols and networks to reduce demand for memory.
ICM6.010 |
Short Syntax: ICM6.010 ICMP packet ( sourceaddress) send destaddress -> network ID with rc reasoncode
Long Syntax: ICM6.010 Sending an ICMP packet ( sourceaddress) via direct n_send from destaddress to network ID failed for reason reasoncode
Description: Sending ICMP packet with destination address is a link local addess failed due to some problem in router. The reason_code gives the cause.
Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)
Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.
Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)
Action: Alleviate congestion.
Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)
Action: See why handler thinks network is down.
Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)
Action: Check configuration.
Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)
Action: See why handler thinks host is down.
ICM6.011 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: ICM6.011 Received packet too big for destination_address, pmtu mtu
Long Syntax: ICM6.011 Packet Too Big ICMP message received for destination_address, path MTU is mtu
Description: A packet too big message has been received for a packet originated by this router. Path MTU Discovery will start for this destination address.
ICM6.012 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ICM6.012 Sending Pkt Too Big, next hop mtu next_hop_mtu source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.012 Sending Packet Too Big message, next_hop_mtu next_hop_mtu for packet from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: The router is sending an ICMP6 Packet Too Big message because the next hop MTU is less than the packet size.
ICM6.013 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ICM6.013 Sending bad parm msg, offset problem_offset source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.013 Sending parameter problem message - offset problem_offset for packet from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: The router is sending an ICMP6 Parameter Problem message, for an unspecified problem at the given offset.
ICM6.014 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: ICM6.014 Sending ICMP6_pkt_type ICMP6_type ICMP6_code pkt source_IP_address -> destination_IP_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.014 Sending ( ICMP6_pkt_type) packet type ICMP6_type code ICMP6_code for packet from source_IP_address to destination_IP_address
Description: The router is sending an ICMP6 packet of the specified type about a packet from the source host to the destination.
ICM6.015 |
Short Syntax: ICM6.015 Short ICMP6 hdr header_length src source_ip_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.015 Short ICMP6 header header_length received in packet from source_ip_address
Description: This message is generated when an ICMP6 packet's indicated header length is below the minimum possible length for an ICMP6 packet.
Cause: Most likely, this is a damaged packet. It may be that another node is building an incorrect header.
Action: If the problem persists, examine a line trace to determine where the packet is being damaged.
ICM6.016 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: ICM6.016 Path destination_address aged, pmtu mtu
Long Syntax: ICM6.016 Path destination_address aged out of table, path MTU mtu
Description: The path MTU aging timer has expired for the specified destination address. The path MTU will be reset to the output net MTU and path MTU discovery will be started on the next packet to the destination address.
ICM6.017 |
Short Syntax: ICM6.017 Rcvd pkt too big from destination_address pmtu mtu, pmtu disc disabled
Long Syntax: ICM6.017 Received packet too big message from destination_address pmtu mtu, path MTU discovery is disabled
Description: Path MTU discovery is disabled, however a Packet Too Big ICMP message has been received. If Path MTU Discovery has recently been disabled, this is not a problem. However, if Path MTU Discovery has been disabled for some time, this ICMP message should not be received, since with Path MTU Discovery disabled, the maximum size packets generated are 1280 bytes. All IPV6 routers should be able to support this packet size.
ICM6.018 |
Short Syntax: ICM6.018 No mem for pmtu disc for destination_address
Long Syntax: ICM6.018 There is no memory available to perform Path MTU Discovery for destination_address
Description: There is not enough memory in the router to allocate the control blocks necessary for Path MTU Discovery for packets to the specified address.